Credit: When using the ARMAS data, please use this credit line: “ARMAS data is openly provided for scientific and operational considerations as a courtesy of Space Environment Technologies.”
Citations: When citing ARMAS data in the literature, please use these citations, as applicable:
- Gersey, B. “B.”, Tobiska, W. K., Atwell, W., Bouwer, D., Didkovsky, L., Judge, K., et al. (2020). Beamline and flight comparisons of the ARMAS flight module with the tissue equivalent proportional counter for improving atmospheric radiation monitoring accuracy. Space Weather, 18, e2020SW002599. 10.1029/2020SW002599
- Tobiska, W. K., L. Didkovsky, K. Judge, D. Bouwer, S. Wieman, B. Gersey, B. Atwell, and R. Wilkins (2019), ARMAS Flight System for Operational Aerospace Radiation Measurements, 49th International Conference on Environmental Systems, 7-11 July 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, ICES-2019-406.
Radiation background:
- Mertens, C.J. and W. K. Tobiska (2020), Space weather radiation effects on high altitude/latitude aircraft, Solar/Heliosphere 5: Space Weather Contemporary Technology Impacts, eds. Coster, AGU Books, in publication.
- Tobiska, W.K., M.M. Meier, D, Matthiae, and K. Copeland (2017), Characterizing the Variation in Atmospheric Radiation at Aviation Altitudes, Extreme Events in Geospace, ed., N. Buzulukova, Elsevier, pp. 453–471, ISBN: 9780128127001.
- Tobiska, W.K., W. Atwell, P. Beck, E. Benton, K. Copeland, C. Dyer, B. Gersey, I. Getley, A. Hands, M. Holland, S. Hong, J. Hwang, B. Jones, K. Malone, M.M. Meier, C. Mertens, T. Phillips, K. Ryden, N. Schwadron, S.A. Wender, R. Wilkins, and M.A. Xapsos, Advances in Atmospheric Radiation Measurements and Modeling Needed to Improve Air Safety, Space Weather, 13, 202–210, doi:10.1002/2015SW001169, 2015.
- Mertens, C.J., B.T. Kress, M. Wiltberger, W.K. Tobiska, B. Grajewski, and X. Xu, Atmospheric ionizing radiation from galactic and solar cosmic rays, Current topics in ionizing radiation research, M. Nenoi (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0196-3, InTech, 2012.
- Tobiska, W.K., L. Didkovsky, K. Judge, S. Wieman, D. Bouwer, J. Bailey, B. Atwell, M. Maskrey, C. Mertens, Y. Zheng, M. Shea, D. Smart, B. Gersey, R. Wilkins, D. Bell, L. Gardner, and R. Fuschino (2018), Analytical representations for characterizing the global aviation radiation environment based on model and measurement databases. Space Weather, 16, 1523–1538. 10.1029/2018SW001843.
- Tobiska, W.K., D. Bouwer, D. Smart, M. Shea, J. Bailey, L. Didkovsky, K. Judge, H. Garrett, W. Atwell, B. Gersey, R. Wilkins, D. Rice, R. Schunk, D. Bell, C. Mertens, X. Xu, M. Wiltberger, S. Wiley, E. Teets, B. Jones, S. Hong, and K. Yoon (2016), Global real-time dose measurements using the Automated Radiation Measurements for Aerospace Safety (ARMAS) system, Space Weather, 14, 1053–1080, doi:10.1002/2016SW001419.
- Mertens, C. J., G.P. Gronoff, R.B. Norman, B.M. Hayes, T.C. Lusby, T. Straume, W.K. Tobiska, A. Hands, K. Ryden, E. Benton, S. Wiley, B. Gersey, R. Wilkins, and X. Xu (2016), Cosmic radiation dose measurements from the RaD-X flight campaign, Space Weather, 14, doi:10.1002/2016SW001407.
- Straume, T., C. J. Mertens, T. C. Lusby, B. Gersey, W. K. Tobiska, R. B. Norman, G. P. Gronoff, and A. Hands (2016), Ground-Based Evaluation of Dosimeters for NASA High-Altitude Balloon Flight, Space Weather, 14, doi:10.1002/2016SW001406.
- Gersey, B., Wilkins, W. Atwell, W.K. Tobiska, C. Mertens, Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter Microdosimetry Measurements Aboard High-Altitude and Commercial Aircraft, AIAA 42nd International Conference on Environmental Systems, 15-19 July 2012, San Diego, AIAA-2012-3636, 2012.
- Tobiska, W.K., D. Bouwer, R. Shelley, C. Mertens, B. Gersey, W. Atwell, J. Love, J. Grannon, P. Friberg, V. Eccles, R. Schunk, D. Intriligator, W. Burke, P. Hagan, M. Hesse, and M. Kuznetsova, Demonstration of Operational Real-Time Space Weather Prototypes for Aviation Radiation and Magnetospheric Sub-Storms, AIAA 49th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-7 January 2011, Orlando, AIAA-2011-1059, 2011.
- Zheng, Y., N. Yu. Ganushkina, P. Jiggens, I. Jun, M. Meier, J. I. Minow, T. P. O’Brien, D. Pitchford, Y. Shprits, W. K. Tobiska, M. A. Xapsos, T. B. Guild, J. E. Mazur, and M. M. Kuznetsova (2019), Space radiation and plasma effects on satellites and aviation: Quantities and metrics for tracking performance of space weather environment models. Space Weather, 17, 1384–1403. 2018SW002042.
Other Publications
Radiation Policy and Background
- Bain et al, 2023 FASS: Improved space weather observations and modeling for aviation radiation
- Mertens and Tobiska, 2021 AGU: Space weather radiation effects on high altitude/latitude aircraft
- Tobiska, et al 2018 AGU: Atmospheric Radiation at Aviation Altitudes
- Tobiska, et al 2015 SWJ: Advances Needed in Atmospheric Radiation Measurements and Modeling
- Tobiska, et al 2014 SWJ: Shutdown reply
- Tobiska, et al 2014 SWJ: Government Shutdown impacts aviation monitoring
- Mertens, et al 2012 InTech: Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation from Galactic and Solar Cosmic Rays
- Tobiska, et al 2011 AIAA 2011-1059: Operational Space Weather Prototypes for Aviation Radiation and Magnetospheric Sub-Storms
- Mertens, et al 2008 AIAA 2008-463: Influence of Space Weather on Aircraft Ionizing Radiation Exposure
Radiation Measurements
- Tobiska et al 2022 arXiv:2209.05599 Radiation Events at Commercial Aviation Altitudes
- Sadykov, et al 2020 SWJ: Radiation data portal
- Gersey, et al 2020 TEPC-ARMAS v10 calibration
- Tobiska, et al 2019 ICES: ARMAS v9 calibration
- Tobiska, et al 2018 SWJ: Analytical Representations for Global Aviation Radiation
- Tobiska, et al 2016 SWJ: Global radiation measurements with ARMAS
- Mertens, et al 2016 SWJ: RaD-X flight campaign
- Straume, et al 2016 SWJ: Ground-based dosimeter evaluation for RaD-X
- Gersey, et al 2012 ICES: TEPC microdosimetry aboard high-altitude aircraft
Radiation Modeling
- Aryan, et al 2023 JGR: Enhanced radiation levels at aviation altitudes and their relationship to plasma waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Ma, et al 2022 SWJ: Electron fluxes modeled with machine learning
- Chu, et al 2021 SWJ (#TopCitedArticle): Relativistic electron model in the outer radiation belt
- Xu, et al 2021 SWJ: Atmospheric radiation produced by electron precipitation
- Joyce, et al 2016 SWJ: GCRs with LRO/CRaTER and EMMREM
Radiation Metrics
Radiation Biology and Shielding
- Gersey, 2019 CCSB: Radiation Dosimetry Measurements Onboard Air and Space Craft for Human Safety Programs and Cancer Epidemiology Studies
- Gersey, et al 2012 AIAA: Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter Microdosimetry Measurements Aboard High-Altitude and Commercial Aircraft
- Dicello, et al 2011 RPD: Microdosimetric Comparison of scanned and conventional proton beams used in radiation therapy
- Hada, et al 2010 Elsevier: mBAND analysis of chromosome aberrations in human epithelial cells induced by y-rays and secondary neutrons of low dose rate
- Kuhne, et al 2009 RRS: Biological Effects of High-Energy Neutrons Measured In Vivo Using a Vertebrate Model
- Gersey, et al 2007 Elsevier_ASR: Micronuclei induction in human fibroblasts exposed in vitro to Los Alamos high-energy neutrons
- Gersey, et al 2007 IEEE_NSREC: Comparison of a Tissue Equivalent and a Silicon Equivalent Proportional Counter Microdosimeter to High-Energy Proton and Neutron Fields
- Gersey, et al 2003 NSREC: Correlation of Neutron Dosimetry Using a Silicon Equivalent Proportional Counter Microdosimeter and SRAM SEU Cross Sections for Eight Neutron Energy Spectra
- Gersey, et al 2002 RRS: The Response of a Spherical Tissue-Equivalent Proportional Counter to Iron Particles from 200-1000 MeV/nucleon
- Taddei, et al 2006 NIH-PA: The response of a spherical tissue-equivalent proportional counter to different heavy ions having similar velocities
Radiation Effects on Electronics
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