Solar Research Publication Links:
- Riley, et al 2018 SWJ: Forecasting the Arrival Time of Coronal Mass Ejections
- Gonzalez Hernandez, et al 2014 SP: A Full Sun Magnetic Index from Helioseismology Inferences
- Woods, et al 2011 ApJ: Solar EUV observations during flares
- Woods, et al 2010 SP: SDO EVE Overview Science, Instrument, Data, and Models
- Woods, et al 2005 JGR: Solar EUV Experiment (SEE)
- Tobiska 2003 AIAA 2003-1224: A validation study of the 72-hour forecasting algorithm
- Tobiska 2002 AIAA 2002-4892: A description of the 72-hour forecast of solar, geomagnetic, and atmosphere dynamics
- Tobiska 2002 TIGER: A description of new integrated irradiance proxies
- Viereck, et al 2001 GRL: The NOAA Mg II core-to-wing ratio proxy derivation and long-term data set used by SOLAR2000.
- Woods, et al 2000 JGR: Composite Lyman-alpha for 5 solar cycles calibrated to the UARS
- Woods, et al 1998 SPIE: TIMED Solar EUV Experiment
- Tobiska, et al 1998 SP: A description of the EUV97 solar EUV empirical model
- Tobiska, et al 1997 GRL: Two solar cycles of Lyman alpha calibrated to UARS
- Buonsanto, et al 1995 JGR: Comparison of radar data with ionospheric models using modeled solar flux
- Tobiska 1994 SP: SOLRAD-11 soft X-rays data reconstruction and analysis
- Tobiska, et al 1994 ASR: San Marco ASSI data and EUV91 model output compared
- Tobiska, et al 1993 ASR: A Study of the solar EUV flux variations from San Marco ASSI
- Bouwer 1992 SP: A study of the time-varying properties of photospheric, chromospheric, and coronal indices
- Buonsanto, et al 1992 JGR: Comparison of radar data with E-F1 ionosphere models using EUV91 modeled solar flux
- Tobiska 1991 JATP: Revised Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Flux Model
- Barth, et al 1990 GRL: Comparison of 10.7 cm Radio Flux with SME Solar Lyman Alpha Flux
- Tobiska, et al 1990 JGR: A Solar EUV Flux Model
- Pap, et al 1990 SP: An FFT analysis of 5 solar irradiance and proxy periodicities
- Tobiska, et al 1989 GRL: A Study of solar chromospheric and coronal emissions during solar cycle 21
- Tobiska 1989 JGR: A study of modeled solar flux using SERF2
- Tobiska, et al 1987 JAS: A study of predicted solar flux using Jacchia 1971 model and SME satellite orbit decay
- Jacchia 1971: The revised Jacchia model incorporating revised atmospheric chemistry measurements
- Jacchia 1970: The Jacchia thermospheric/exospheric model